Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend Highlights

Friday night:
I went out to dinner and then out for some drinks with the best friend :)
Local bars, not as exciting as a night out downtown but still fun!

I went to Dayton for the day with my old college roommates for the Second Annual Kari McSwiney Memorial Golf Tournament for Education. Kari was one of my good friends from college, and was supposed to be one of our 7 roommates senior year of college. She was born with CVID, which is Common Variable Immunodeficiency. I learned all the horrible details of this condition from Kari, but to sum it up she basically was born with a shiesty immune system so if she caught the common cold, it would flair up to something more serious like pneumonia (in the most basic terms possible). She was earning her Bachelor's degree in Education at OU, so in honor of Kari her family began putting on a golf tournament to raise money for a scholarship for one student from her high school who is going to OU for a degree in education.

Although times like these bring back the horrible memory of losing Kari, it is also a great way to remember her and celebrate her life with all of the people she loved. We don't get the opportunity to see her family very often, and it was very nice to catch up. The picture above is of 3 of her other roommates from her junior year, and me and 3 of my roommates from senior year & our two houses knew each other through Kari.

The lovely lady with the shortest hair is my old roommate Mallory (one of the funniest people I know by the way) and she just so happens to be back on a plane to her new home in Australia as we speak! She moved there after graduation, met a nice Aussi man and never wants to come back! It was more than awesome to catch up with her and hear all about her experiences. She actually was writing a blog during her first year there. You can check it out here!

My co-director of summer camp and good friend Julie's bridal shower was this afternoon. It was a good time- typical bridal shower stuff! I told her about the game we played at Kay's bridal shower where the guests group up and compete to see who can make the best toilet paper wedding dress & she loved the idea! We played the game at her shower today and I was the lucky model who got to wear the dress. Our group didn't win, but we SO should have! She went with the funniest design- typical Julie! I'm hoping her MOH got a good picture of this!
I am spending the rest of the evening preparing for an interview (YES, interview!) that I have tomorrow morning. I'm actually not too thrilled about the position, which is kindergarten teacher at a private school near me. I LOVE kindergarten, but I'm not sure this school will be a good fit for me. It would be my first job and so I know I can't expect the best pay, but let me tell you it is PITIFUL. I may feel differently after I leave the interview and have learned more though, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! 

Hope you had a great weekend!

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