Time flies.
That is all I have to say. That's not true...
A LOT has happened in the past year, and clearly blogging was not one of those things. I laughed when I read my last post where I apologized for being MIA and promised to post all the time....
No more empty promises, but let's set a goal: I will TRY to post three times a week & get back in the swing of things!
Since it would take a while to recap any and all blog worthy topics from the past year (bore), here are the top 3 events that have taken place during my absence in blog world...
1. I am now a full time nanny for two beautiful little girls, Ali (14 months) & Ava (28 months) and I LOVE it! I have been with their family since October 1, 2011. Some of our accomplishments in the past 6 months include learning some basic baby signing, potty training Ava (she is doing GREAT!!) & eliminating the gosh darn binkies (halleluiah!).
Ava calls me "MeMe", which only fuels onlookers already evil glares (who clearly think I'm a "16 and pregnant" case...I know it's not my imagination when I see them stare at my bare ring finger as they say, "Wow it looks like you have your hands full"....Judgey McJudgersons) because it certainly sounds a lot like "mommy"...but I love it! Next investment...tattoo on my forehead that says "I'm the nanny!"
Juuuuust kidding...maybe a t-shirt would suffice
We have a pretty busy schedule. We attend music class, gym class, story time at the library, swimming lessons, play dates, countless field trips, etc. On average, I take about 50 pictures a day, but I will just share my favorites of each of the girls so you can see what beauties they are! They will surely make a frequent appearance in future posts...I fell in love just about instantly, who wouldn't?
Ali- via instagram |
Ava- via instagram |
There will be plenty more where that came from! If you have instagram, follow me at mischy_ou... and if you don't have instagram, GET IT! You won't regret.
2. I got a new ride :) Long story short, my 2000 Audi A6, which I loved for about a year took a turn for the worse and decided to break on me every two months or so. I don't know what you all know about foreign cars, but let me tell you, they cost a pretty penny to repair! I bit the bullet and traded in my car for one that's built Ford tough baby!
Brand spankin' new 2012 Ford Escape...I am SO in LOVE. Her name is Sexy Rae- Sexy for obvious reasons & Rae is short for Ramen noodles, which is what I'll be living on for the next few years in order to pay for her. |
3. Big milestones for my two best friends! My best friends mean the world to me and big things are happening for them & I could not be more excited! Lindsay Just got engaged! Go check out her blog if you haven't already and read all about their love story...I die! LOVE them :) My other best friend Kay is also expecting a baby girl, due August 13th! I am literally overwhelmed with joy that I get to be a part of these special events! I'm going to be an aunt!! Can't wait to spoil the little nugget :)
Lindsay & Andy's engagement party- via instagram
I'm sure I'll drop a few other tid bits about the past year on you along the way...but that caught us up somewhat. I can't wait to catch up on your posts... Now tell me, what are some of your favorite new blogs? (Or old blogs...let's be real, I was gone a while!) I'm sad that I missed out on some good topics like The Hunger Games, and other new book/movie/TV/music/fashion buzz so feel free to share the links your posts on such topics in the comments to catch me up! |