Sunday, September 26, 2010

Browns vs. Ravens

As for today's game....I will say 17-24 is respectable against the Ravens- At least we weren't completely dominated! We were the first team to score a TD against Baltimore this year! And we scored not one but TWO! My question is WHY did Wright stay in that game? If I were the GM I would have pulled his ass out after the second touchdown against us! He looked like he was in LaLa Land the whole game and couldn't keep up to save his life! I'd say he definitely cost us that game although there were definitely other reasons such as our apparent lack of communication. We could have had that game if he would have intercepted that that last touchdown by the Ravens, or blocked it at the very least...hell we were winning! He should have been psyched! Not to mention we got pretty lucky on the penalty front, we definitely got away with pass interference TWICE...not sure where the ref was on that but hey I'll take it. I find it hilarious that Rob Ryan stated that the Browns defense felt confident knowing where their offensive opponents stood, because they definitely did NOT show it. All in all it could have been worse. At the end of the day I am always a Browns fan. Oh and Hillis...NICE! He stepped it up today's game (and he is such a BABE!!) and he is one of my favorite Browns players (along with Cribbs), but they can't carry the team... apparently! Maybe if they put Cribbs in as QB? Hmmm....thoughts?

Peyton Hillis, Cleveland Browns Running Back, #40

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