Monday, April 25, 2011

lots of funny stories from this weekend...

First of all, when I say "lots of funny stories", I mean LOTS

This past weekend was a little crazy and I have couple of funny stories to share. By funny stories I mostly mean silver lining funny, so bare with me and know that I say "funny" in a very loose sense.
I was such a slacker on the blog front, but with good reason. My sister was home from college, as I mentioned previously (which made me very happy and it was wonderful to spend time with her) and there was also a death in the family. 
My grandma's cousin, Nancy, passed away from stage 4 cancer, which she only learned that she had last week after being hospitalized for months for various reasons. Although it sounds like a distant relative, truthfully I don't even know what her relation to me is exactly (third cousin, is that right?) but we saw her quite frequently and she was an amazing lady, and only 69 years old.

+The funeral: horribly sad, but there always has to be someone to make light of a serious situation. Not a split second after the ceremony was announced completed did one of the guests shout "Hey Ellie, did you see who this is? It's Stephen from high school, remember him? Yea, just dropped dead last year! Isn't that somethin'?" while pointing to a grave sight. Really lady? My jaw dropped, as did everyone's around me, and everyone watched their step to avoid stepping on crazy lady's old homeroom buddy. 
+I discovered that my car is still broken after being in the shop several times. The locks have been going up and down on their own and the windows go down by themselves after I turn my car off, lock the doors, and walk away. Something with the circuit we thought? Whatever the case, me and my sister discovered that the problem was still not fixed as we were shopping on Thursday. We started talking about how my car had a ghost at the luncheon after the ceremony, then somehow got on the topic of my old (now this is embarrassing) imaginary friend. 
His name was Eric and I do not remember him at all, but my mom would get freaked out whenever I would talk to him and thought it was a ghost, eeek! Anyways, I apparently ditched Eric when my little sister was born. Karen, Nancy's daughter, is such a believer of ghosts and I will always remember the stories she told me growing up that still give me the heeby-jeebies. 
 How does this tie into my car issues? Well my imaginative family suggested that it was no coincidence that my car started acting ghostly the day me and my sister were reunited and so jealous Eric caught the blame. I myself don't even know what to think about this conversation but I thought you might enjoy the ridiculousness of it.
+We had our family Easter dinner tonight (my sister had to go back to school & I had to work on Sunday); blackened tilapia & broiled lobster tails, heavenly. My dad is on some strange lobster kick lately, this is not typical. He is also on a blueberry kick and wants to start a blueberry farm...midlife crisis much?

+I went to see Water for Elephants with Lindsay, Jamie, my sister, and 3 of her friends. I thought it was great! I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it but I will say this: I read & loved the book and am usually a huge stickler about ruining a perfectly good book by changing too much in the movie. There were some changes but I didn't mind them and for the most part it followed the book pretty closely. It was for sure worth a watch! I already wanna see it again
+I spent Saturday night with Lindsay for some much needed best friend time. We watched one of the greatest chick flicks of all time, Clueless & had some girl talk and wine. Then she showed me something that it sure to be my new guilty pleasure. Something that I am ashamed to say I didn't know about previously. I can quote word for word every episode of every season of the show Friends; huge fan. But I never watched the Gag Reels on the DVD special features until this day. HILARIOUS! I will probably re-watch everyday.  
+Backing up before movie & wine, was our traditional Easter basket hunt. Yes, I am almost 24 with a sister who is almost 21 and it still pleases our mother to let her hide our Easter baskets, with clues and all; I'm not mad about it. She will probably still do this when I'm 30, we are her babies. My mom is infamous for her super corny clues and we all get a good laugh out of it. Again, this usually happens on Sunday but we celebrated early this year because of stupid work and stupid college. Anyways, I thought I'd share her silly  clues with you all:

clue #1
 I know you think I'm crazy
So let's not get too lazy
Let's give this a try
Where the clothes go to dry

Which led me to clue #2 hidden in the dryer
If you really want to win
Go get mom a bucket of chicken**
If you have strong pecks
Go get yourself a Kleenex
(not the best rhymer) 

Which led me to clue #3 hidden in a box of tissues
Oh well, oh swell
Now let's not dwell
Let's take a look
And get a good book

Which led me to clue #4 hidden on the bookshelf
Now that was fine
It's time to dine
Are you hungry for a chicken leg
Or maybe a scrambled egg

Which led me to clue #5 hidden in the fridge by the eggs
It's time to close
This very fine prose
In your mom's room where she's happy
Where she watches some TV

Which led me to my basket hidden by the TV, although PeeWee kind of ruined it because he showed me earlier. 
**The bucket of chicken is an inside joke between me and my mom, but I'll let you in. It is for sure one of those "you had to be there" moments, but I will try to get you on the same page of why this is funny for us...I promise this is the last story:
One fine day me, my sister, and my mom were out and about shopping and wanted to stop by my grandparents house for a visit. It just so happened to be around dinner time and my mom thought it would be nice to bring dinner to their house instead of just mooching their food. Good thinking, right? Well her suggestion was to bring a pizza or a bucket of chicken, and I'm sure she didn't mean to, but she said this like it was the greatest idea ever (so excited, she was) and in the most hick voice ever! Just imagine an excited hick saying "bucket of chicken" and maybe you will understand? No?
 See... you had to be there, but I drop "bucket of chicken" randomly into everyday conversation every now and then to make her laugh, and so she included it in my clues :)

+As I mentioned, I had to work. Before I put in my two weeks at the restaurant, we had already scheduled servers for Easter and Mother's Day, the two busiest days of the year. I could have blown it off since I technically don't work there anymore, but the decent thing to do was to show up for my shifts. It really amazes me how rude people can be on EASTER. Come on people, you are out for a lovely meal with your loved ones, what's so bad about that? I had to bite my tongue several times to resist from shouting out, "Wanna trade places right now?" 

If you have read all the way to this point, wow! Thank you for not giving up on my ramblings! It's funny because I was just talking to a friend about how short & to-the-point posts are usually more enjoyable for me to read and here I am writing a novel. 

No car = Inability to accept subbing jobs = Day off
Sure, I'll take it

And now it's time to catch up on my blogland daily reads...I've missed your posts this busy weekend!

Happy Monday & a bucket of chicken :)

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