Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This is how I feel today...

Don't you just adore Bruno Mars?
Come serenade me please & thank you :)
It's true, though. Today I feel lazy.

Consequentially, today's post stinks.
BUT I am plotting a good one for tomorrow :) 
So in the meantime I hope you enjoy this song! 
I'm sure you all have heard it already

I had a semi eventful day. There really is no rhyme or reason for why I am feeling so sluggish- truthfully, I blame this foul weather. 
Today I subbed at my old high school... so strange. I am certified pre-k through fifth grade so it is way out of my comfort zone. Also, it is really weird being in the teacher's lounge with my old teachers...
Anyways, after I subbed I tried remodeling the blog, yet again, and nearly ruined it! If you stopped by during that chaos, sorry! It was a hot mess, but I think I got it back to normal. What I was trying to do was edit the html so I can have three columns that are spread out! I can't figure out why my blog is so squished together and it is driving me crazy! Any advice?

I did a little more spring cleaning & now am patiently waiting for my little sister to come home from college for Easter weekend :) She should be here in a few hours! In the mean time, I think I need a nap! I will be a good little blogger tomorrow, promise ;)


  1. I love this song so much and I'd say it perfectly evokes what I'm feeling right now too. i feel your pain-- it's been a long week, and it's only wednesday! ay yi yi

  2. How exciting having your little sister come home for college. Oh I love the Holidays...


    I have those kind of blogging days too


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