Monday, October 4, 2010

Who Dey? Dey da ones who lost to the BROWNIES :)

Once again, my weekend highlight was tailgating! It is one of my happy places, have I mentioned that? 

Backing up to Friday, I FINALLY got called for my first day of substitute teaching! Such a relief to finally be getting calls! I slept through my first phone call (due to my phone being on silent from waitressing the night before! :( I have changed my ringer to a loud obnoxious one and make sure it's on full blast each night) and I chickened out my second time getting called (because it was for seniors in high school and, let's face it, I still look 16...BUT I have vowed to accept any and all jobs that I get called for in the future, scary high school seniors included!) All this glory was almost ruined when I got a flat tire half way to the school... I held back tears and called my mom who came to my rescue! I made it to the school on time and had an awesome first day of subbing for first grade! It reminded me why I want to be a teacher and how wonderful it is to be in the classroom as opposed to a jobless post grad. I'm hoping that since I have gotten 3 calls in the past week and a half that this is a good sign!

Saturday most of the bridesmaids met with our bride-to-be (one of my best friends, Kay) and her mom to finish up some last minute shower planning, and to discuss the bachelorette party and wedding plans as well. The shower is next weekend, the bachelotette party is in 3 weeks and the wedding is now less than 3 months away on December 11! 

After our wedding planning sesh, the tailgating crew (including our husband-to-be's parents which was a fun surprise!) cuddled up and watched Paranormal Activity. I love a good scary movie, but this one was terrifying! For me anyways. If you're into scary movies I would recommend it just because it seems real and should give you a good scare, although some of us complained that it was a little slow, and I would have to agree. I think I would have had nightmares but luckily we had one big giant sleepover so I felt safe, even when Kay and Brandon's apartment was making scary noises all through the night :) 

We got up bright and early at 5 AM again to tailgate and we are now 3 for 3 for having an awesome time tailgating! We watched the game at the Blind Pig, and what made the day even more amazing was that we beat the Bengals! It's about time the Browns won a game! I'm not going to complain (much) because we won...BUT my question is where is Eric Wright's head at?! Every team we play knows damn well to cover Cribbs and their defense is on him instantly, yet Wright showed poor effort to cover T.O. when he knows (or should know) damn well that's who to cover. Imagine if Wright would actually do his job well? I mean you're only getting paid millions of could at least pretend to try and do your homework before you hit the playing field sheesh.

Lindsay, Kay and me! Best friends :)
Cuddled up like grannies!
Love my Lindsay!
Most of the girls!
Girls flip cup team!

Pictures by the FREE stamp...Always necessary!
 Good Times! Had to borrow some of Lindsay's pictures! I wasn't the best paparazzi this time around!

"I love this city because of the hard working people that are here. It's a blue-collar town. When I think of Cleveland, I think of myself. They accept their football players with open arms and they show up every Sunday win, lose, or draw"
- Peyton Hillis {my boyfriend} ;)

Lebron who? Hillis is the man! How refreshing to have a professional sports player on a Cleveland team NOT trash talking this great city of ours and who appreciates their fans (Ahem, EDWARDS & LeBRON!)


1 comment:

  1. ohhh! youre friends with lindsay! love her.

    so fun all the wedding activities are coming up. i just was MOH in one that ended this weekend and its so sad that its all over!


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