Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Let's try this again

So we can call it hibernating? On hiatus? Being busy? Pure laziness?  Whichever....I have been MIA from blog land and I didn't realize how long it had been until I looked at my last post which was from tailgating in OCTOBER! Yikes! A LOT has gone down in the months that I have been missing...SO many missed bloggertunities (opportunities to blog...I like it! Yes I will use this!) SO I'm going to spend the rest of this week updating on any and all exciting highlights from the past 4 months (yes my paparazzi ass has plenty of pictures to share!) and then I will be a good little girl and blog regularly like I should :) 

I mean it's fun, it gives me something to look forward to, and this might sound weird...but it totally keeps me on track! When I start "being good" in one part of my life, it makes everything else fall in line! Routine baby ;) Kinda like when I start to work out again (which I'm REALLY trying to do!) then all of a sudden my room stays clean, I keep up with plucking my eyebrows... does anyone else feel me on this one? Anyone? Bueller?

So let me start precisely where I left off...

The bachelorette party went a little something like this...

After a little pregame action in the hotel, gifts for the bride to be, and of course, pin the junk on the hunk, us ladies hopped a shuttle downtown for dinner and drinks at Howl at the Moon!
The bride, her sister, my best friend, and the infamous butt pincher that I nearly over drafted my bank account to buy....but it was so worth it! (According to me anyways!) Anyone within my arms reach got pinched whether they liked it or not and not only did Lindsay confiscate it from me by the end of the night, but I also woke up with a legitimate blister from excessively pulling the trigger...Luckily no one got mad at me for the pinching...I think it had something to do with the power of the boa, but this is just a theory. Wearing a boa downtown draws a lot of attention and in my experience, excuses any drunken behavior. Party on Wayne...

Of course we got on stage and made a spectacle of ourselves...
Howl at the Moon was located right next to the "All Male Review" which is, I believe, the only male strip club in Cleveland, so naturally we wandered over there next! Ladies, do not waste your sounded fun in theory but it was creepy, smelly, tacky, dirty...and none of those are adjectives you want describing any part of your girls night out, whatever the occasion. We managed to have a good time, but I think it's safe to say none of us were at all disappointed when it was time to leave.

And that's all she wrote. I'd say the first bachelorette party of my core group of best girlfriends was a success! I'm still slightly freaked out that we are at the age where getting engaged is normal! EEEEK! One of my closest girlfriends from OU just got engaged  about a week ago too, so I have another bachelorette party to plan and wedding to look forward to! This time in the Columbus area! Bring. It. ON! :)

What have you been up to? 
Any new blogs that I should be following? 

1 comment:

  1. It's about time girlfriend. I'm holding you to this!! What a fun night, we need another crazy night out. just girls!


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