Wednesday, March 30, 2011

As promised...

  + Shorts, Jacket, Shirt, Bag- H&M
+ Scarf- American Eagle
+ Belt- Forever21
+ Flats- Urban Outfitters

I said in a previous post that I would post some outfit pics for my mini, vaca-style-30 for 30 if I were brave enough...Unfortunately the weather has been foul and we have all spent most of the week wearing the few pairs of long sweat pants and hoodies that we brought, and that doesn't make for a good outfit post. But I did hold to my word and VOILA! Here is the one outfit I have put together so far & so bravely posted for all to see!
  Two days to go though, so if it is not frigid outside I can utilize the rest of the contents of my poorly packed suitcase containing only warm weather clothing. I guess I just got too excited for spring when I was packing? Who would assume that a beach vacation would be cold in the spring time? Hmph :(

My mom was my photographer, and it was incredibly awkward taking pictures on the pier with loads of people walking past. One man even asked, "Would you like me to take a picture of both of you?" I thought it was easier to simply smile and say, "Yes, thank you" rather than explain, "No sir, this is for my blog!" As soon as he walked away, I carried on with my mission.
And yes, I realize the sun in the middle picture is blocking out my face, but there is something I really like about it anyways! Maybe because it's showing just the outfit, which is really the purpose for the picture. Or Maybe it's because it is covering my sunburned face? We layed out on our only sunny day...and by that I mean we layed, covered head to toe in clothing, concealing all but our faces because it was still so chilly. We now all have lobster faces.

After my first ever outfit post I would certainly love your input...
{More please!} or {Never again, lady!} or {Too soon to decide} or {Insert your own words}
Thanks so much, XoXo :)

PS. On a side note, please excuse the ADD that is the ever-changing layout, font, color scheme, etc of my blog! I'm trying to remodel a bit!

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