Monday, March 7, 2011

Going the Distance

Since Cody is in recovery mode, we have been watching A LOT of movies! (I also am trying my darnedest to get him addicted to Friends and I like to think I am succeeding) We are dorks and have made an infinitely long list of movies that we want to watch and so far have put a pretty good dent in it. One of my favorites that we've watched so far is "Going the Distance". Such a cute, funny, feel good movie! I was afraid it was going to be too much of a chick flick but Cody loved it too! It's worth a watch and I am currently stalking it in the stores so I can buy it!

For the update, he is doing great! Of course he is still in pain :( but he is being such a trooper! He came home with one tube still in him, which we named Walter...and the doctor's finally took him out last Tuesday, which makes things much more comfortable for him! Good riddance, Walter! Only a few weeks more and he should be back to norm :)

Any suggestions of good movies, new or old, that we can add to our infinity list?

1 comment:

  1. Like the new look! We should rent going the distance and drink some of our wine this week! I can't think of any more movies, you have to show me your list!


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