Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hospital Blues

So I know that I said I would be a good little blogger, and missed the past two days. My boyfriend's (who I realize I haven't talked about before...His name is Cody and I met him at Kay's wedding, so it's new!) right lung collapsed on Sunday. This has happened to him many times before and he already had surgery on his left lung to fix the problem. It's called spontaneous is hereditary and typically happens to tall, skinny, white boys...which he is.

At any rate, he went to the doctors Tuesday morning for an appointment to get his lung checked out and after reviewing the X-rays the doctors immediately admitted him. His lung collapsed about 50%, was beginning to tear away from his chest wall, and there was so much pressure in his chest that his heart was pushed out of place. The doctor's immediate concern was that he could go into cardiac arrest. Other surgeries were initially pushed back and the plan was to get him into surgery first thing this morning around 8:00 after monitoring him all night. 

I spent the night with him last night, and we get up around 5:00 after a half-assed 2 hours of sleep. His surgery got pushed back until around 11:00, and after waiting in pre-op for almost 3 hours he finally went in for surgery around 2:00. The surgery lasted around 2 hours and then we had to wait an hour to see him. The surgeon described the pressure in his chest like a hole in a tire- when they opened him up they could literally hear the air being released. Yikes :( They removed a portion of the top of his lung and adhered it between the inner lining of his lung and his chest cavity by scarring them together somehow. The surgery went well. He has two tubes coming out of his chest, one of which they expect will be going home with him and one that leaks blood when he coughs, which he so kindly pointed out to me- I took this as a good sign, because even though he was way out of it, that was a typical Cody thing to was gross. He thinks he is hilarious. He is not. I'll yell at him later.

Anyways... I hung out with him for a while after his surgery, but he was pretty out of it. Since I stayed last night, and am running on 2 hours of sleep since 6 AM yesterday, his mom is staying with him tonight. Before I left for the night he tried to give me a wet willy....loves it :) Heading back in the morning.

Hope this makes sense...complicated stuff, not to mention I am SUPER out of it, so my apologies if I wrote like a reh-tard today. Long day. Send good thoughts his way please! Goodnight!

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