Friday, March 11, 2011

Pretty in Purple

So, I never really considered purple to be one of my favorite colors. I'm a green lovin girl, and when it comes to clothes I get scolded by my mom for always buying black everything. I've added a lot of color to my wardrobe lately...although I am still always drawn to black! 

Anyways, I have a purple pea coat from Forever21 that I got last year, which was really the only purple thing I owned, and pretty much only bought because it was on clearance and I was desperate for an affordable coat to wear out that wasn't too casual. Cody makes fun of me because I "always" wear it...which I guess I do. After a day of window shopping he asked what I bought and I told him about my super cool new glittery purple nail polish and the gorge purple bikinis that I must have when I get back into shape. "So is purple your new favorite color?" he asked...shhh green will hear you! I thought...but yes I guess purple is sort of fabulous.

LOVED all the purple on the red carpet at this year's Oscars!

These are my pretty purple must haves that I am currently stalking (or have already cracked and bought them...ohhh, shopping) 

I'm currently rockin "It's Bouquet with me" on my brings new meaning to the term "twinkle toes" :) One coat gives a nice, subtle glittery look, but I did three to make my toes glitter central! I love it! It makes me feel youthful! The first few times I saw this color at Sephora they only had a sample bottle on display and it was sold out! OPI is a little pricey for me, especially knowing that Forever21 has great polish 1/3 of the price, but I stalked this baby until it was in stock and couldn't resist when they finally had it! I did say no to the Forever21 mood struck (for now, anyways) but still think it's really cool!
I have been lusting after feather earrings for a while now but have been reluctant to buy any because I have yet to find the perfect pair! How sad that these Urban ones are no more :( They are so fun!

 I like to keep it on the natural side when it comes to make up. Whenever I try to apply fun eye shadow I usually wipe it off...I'm trying to get better about this! If the occasion calls for it, why not! How fun would this be for a girls night out downtown?

Target truly has some of the best affordable swimwear! If only every gal and their sister didn't shop there...Regardless, they are adorbs! To buy or not to buy?

Purple, you are no match for my love green...but maybe this is me taking another step away from all black everything? Yay colors!

What colors are inspiring your wardrobe lately?

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