Saturday, March 12, 2011

Melissa's Daily Affirmation

I'm all about the feel good Youtube vids! Today I'm feeling defeated. It's a Saturday and I have to work a double shift at the restaurant, AND the weather forecast here in Cleveland is a wintry mix of rain and snow...yuck! Talk about a lose-lose sitch! On days like this I this I think we should all try to be more like Jessica! I love this video! It makes me smile every time no matter how many times I watch it! 

watch. laugh. love. count your blessings. spread the joy. 

+ I like my mom!
+ I like my sister! (Who is coming home from college this weekend :) )
+ I like my best friend!
+ I like my boyfriend!
+ I like all my friends! (Clap)
+I like my cat!
+ I like my shoes!
+ I like my two followers!
+ I like my whole blog! (yea, yea, yea!)

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaah! I like my best friend too :)

    If you and Megs go shopping or something call me!


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