Thursday, April 14, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday


+Dreaming about presenting an award at some fictitious dreamland award show. The winner of whatever award was Robert Pattinson & I realized I was his girlfriend when he came up to accept his award and thanked me for being in his life and kissed me (YEAH, dream on, Melissa). Even though anything is possible in dreams, I still found this odd only because I never thought he would be my first choice for a hunky-dream-celeb-boyfriend. I remember thinking "wtf mate" even as I was dreaming. Where was Alexander Skarsgard on that one? Good thing my real life boyfriend isn't a reader of my blog. Awkward.
+Getting called out by a first grader for not having a "real job", yes they actually said those words. "She's just a sub". Thanks for rubbing it in kiddo.
+Barking spiders in the classroom...and of course by that I mean farting children. Could it be any harder not to laugh? I don't care how old you are, farts are funny & trying not to acknowledge them is just awkward, especially when this child is acting like nothing happened as others point it out & you are supposed to be the straight faced adult.
+Students calling me Ms. Melon instead of Ms. Mendel all day long. I got tired of correcting them and decided to just roll with it. It was actually very silly & cute, but if my plan to "get my foot in the door" by subbing ever works out they are going to have a hard time finding Ms. Melon to hire her full time.
+Sub Finder calling me at 10 minute intervals to inform me that one of the jobs I accepted for next week is canceled. Monotone, slow speaking, automated lady says "Press 1 to acknowledge cancellation", I press 1. Why are you still calling me? Grrr 
+The fact that a majority of this list is regarding subbing. I need to get out more. Oh wait, I have no life because I have two jobs :)

+New followers :) Coming from a girl who is dating someone who is 3 1/2 years younger, I know that numbers are just numbers and whether it be age or the amount of followers it really doesn't matter. With that said, it is still nice knowing that you are writing to some awesome people! I will reciprocate ladies, I love new friends :)
+First grade. Despite the awkwardness above, I love subbing for first graders! They are so silly...Ms. Melon...Oh goodness, I tell ya :) 
+NOT having to work job number two today. What shall I do with my free evening?
+I received an Evite for one of my college friend Amy's bachelorette party! Towards the end of last summer I blogged about my weekend trip to Put-in-Bay with a group of my college girlfriends! We decided that we had to make this an annual trip because it was so much fun! I like to describe it as college island; Maybe it's because I was in fact with friends from college, but also because the bars remind me of a college campus. This year it looks like we are going in celebration of Amy's (and apparently one of her high school friends who is also engaged) last days as a single lady! Have you heard of Put-in-Bay? Ever been there? I'm curious if PIB attracts tourists that don't live near Lake Erie.

+I received another awesome email from another college friend regarding our awesome plans for this Saturday! Most of my friends from college live about 2 hours south of me in Columbus, Ohio and they are coming up to Cleveland to celebrate my old roommate Dana's 24th birthday! We are getting a party bus (to avoid drinking and driving, safety first kids) and going to the Indians game! I blogged on the day of the home opener expressing how sad I was for missing it & not getting to wear my new VS Indian's tee, so it's pretty awesome that I can make up for those things! I also ranted a bit about how no one cool ever throws the first pitch for Indian's games. WELL the reason this email was awesome is two fold; one- I am just plain excited for this event! I haven't seen these gals in a while & two- I learned that Kix Brooks of Brooks in Dunn is going to throw the first pitch and lead "Take me out to the ball game!" He's no Jen Aniston, but it's still pretty cool, no? Expect lot's of pictures. Probably not of Kix, but of my lovely friends :)
+I finished reading Water for Elephants. Awesome book! I am psyched for this movie!!

Hang in there, it's almost the weekend :)


  1. I have a friend visiting from out of town too this weekend...I am so excited :) I see you are reading Water For Elephants...gosh, I really, really need to go out, buy that book and start reading it (what is my problem? ;))

  2. When I first read 'barking spiders in the classroom' I thought you meant literally haha :D Great post :)


  3. Ms. Melon,

    Did you love reading WFE? I'm sort of interested...


  4. ha just a sub my butt - they have it harder than "real" teachers! Kids are so bad with subs! Put in Bay is amazing! Do you live close to there? I live in Akron!

  5. Oh goodness. I do NOT miss sub calling. Hahaha, dang that monotone voice lady!
    <3 leigh


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