Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Today I am linking up with Jamie for What I'm loving Wednesday!
I thought this would be good for me to find things that I'm loving since I am currently car-less & unable to sub & therefore bored out of my mind, which I'm not loving... here it goes
 I'm loving

+that I have free time to read! I recently started reading Baby Proof and so far I'm loving it! This is the third book I've read by Emily Giffin & Her books are the best! I cannot wait to see Something Borrowed in theaters!

+my new Target wedges that finally came in the mail yesterday!

{The next two I have to credit the boyfriend for}
+The Beatles! I grew up listening to The Beatles all the time; my dad is a huge fan (but who isn't really?) My boyfriend is obsessed and we have been jamming out to The Beatles just about any time we get in the car. He, of course Mr. Musician, rambles off fun facts about the band and the meaning behind the songs, etc. and there's a lot that I didn't know that is really interesting. I've been on a Beatles kick for the past few weeks & they are currently dominating my itunes

+french toast-grilled cheese combo; I know you must be thinking ewww, but know that it is scrumptious! My boyfriend's family introduced me to this when I had breakfast with them a while back. They even had some cutesy name for it (which I can't remember at the moment...) and thought I was crazy for never having tried it. I woke up craving this and made it for breakfast. I should have taken a picture for y'all but I ate it too fast :P
It's exactly what it sounds like- two pieces of french toast with cheese in the middle. I use white American cheese and it seriously tastes just like cream cheese (which of course you can also use). The white American cheese with the french toast gives the perfect combo of sweet and salty. I put a little cinnamon sugar on the french toast, and of course butter and syrup...ya know, all the healthy stuff. Heavenly.

What are you loving lately? 

 Oh yea! PS. The Mary Kay contest was kind of a joke. I did enjoy their Time Wise skin care line, but it was pretty pricey. The make up was so-so but nothing special or better than what I'm currently using. My suspicions of the true purpose of the "party" were right on. If you decide to participate in a Mary Kay contest or party I would beware that they are going to try their darnedest to sell you a starter kit and recruit you to their sales team and won't leave until you buy something. Which, I didn't. But she sure pressed. 


  1. I've read the Emily Griffin books, and they are too cute! AND I'm LOVING your wedges from Target!! Happy Wednesday

  2. that is a good book and I love the wedges!

  3. Those shoes are adorable & that grilled cheese sounds devine! Holy smokes, I am SO going to try that!

    Happy Wednesday!

  4. I am going to read the Emily Griffin books next!

    What awesome things you are loving today! Hope you had a great Wednesday!

  5. i love those target wedges! good choice.

    i took a beatles music class in college and i was on a "beatles kick" that whole time. i lived ate breathed them. the stories and everything behind the songs are so amazing. especially since they were barely a group for very long at all!

  6. Um. I am LOVING the french toast - grilled cheese idea. Totally in for it.

  7. Love those wedges! I am over from WILW. What a great blog. I am a new follower :)


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